Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Collab With Son

Page From Notebook

Ignore the date. More like 2003 or 2004.

Killer Chicken

I have RSI. I'm not supposed to use a mouse or keyboard or sit at a computer. It's a real bummer.

Noel Edmonds Is A Legend

This flyer caught my eye whilst I was trying to psych myself up to perform in front of a load of APU students the other night, and it didn't really help.

Perhaps I should film myself walking a wheelbarrow full of manure through the Grafton Centre shouting "horseshit!"

Thursday, October 12, 2006

When yr 14-16

About a month ago I drank a bottle of wine and found myself Googling for my African Secondary School. That whole period of my life stopped dead in 1986 and the further I get away from it the more unanchored and weird I feel about it, because there's just no continuity - nobody I know shares the experience, and although I did go back once in 1992, I met next to nobody that I'd known while I was there. I even felt it would be too weird to try. In fact I saw a girl from my class in the chemist and it kind of made me freak out. I couldn't possibly have introduced myself. It would have been like a ghost going up to shake hands. Anyway, me signing the guest book with my email has resulted this week in every other sender's name in my inbox being one that I shared register space with in the period 1984-1986, and it is mucho bizarro, I can tell you.

It's funny, but I recall all the people in the snap above as being more or less adults.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Lord Charles discusses Grimsby

From what I can tell this is the most watched video on my YouTube, or definitely in the the top 5 anyways. Charlie is a funny guy. You'll be pleased to hear that he has recovered from his unlucky bout of denge fever.

I did a birthday song for Charlie once. I should upload a few of the birthday songs 'cos I don't release them, obviously.