I seem to be losing the allusive quality I was seeking and appear to be explaining things into a right old mess as per usual. This CD came about because I was getting ready to do my first gig proper and Neil Bone Idol asked me if I wanted to make some product. Somehow I ended up giving him the tracks that I was going to use as backing (I didn't have lyrics for most of these tunes, but was hoping to come up with some by the time I did the gig) and so somehow I added the insult of selling my backing tracks to the injury of the then pioneeringly piss-taking singing-over-tapes method. Neil and his cohort Stuart also produced t-shirts to sell based on the CD cover image, which were unfortunately ruined by any kind of washing. I never even owned one of these t-shirts.
The artwork was done by Gordon McKenzie, a very talented and funny man.
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